Saturday, August 22, 2009

Woe to the ELCA!

This morning I received my copy of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, and I was saddened by the news about the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). By a vote of 559-451 the ELCA voted in favor of allowing homosexuals in committed relationships to serve as clergy. Interestingly enough, the Post-Dispatch even calls this a "shift." Yes, indeed, it is a shift. And since it is a shift from the gospel, I call the ELCA to surrender its use of the word "Evangelical." And since it is a shift from the historic position of the church, then I call the ?LCA to surrender its use of the word "Church." And since it is a shift from the views of the great Reformer, Martin Luther, I call the ?L?A to surrender the term "Lutheran." And when all the shifting is complete, we only have A, which stands for America. Yes, the ELCA has compromised so much that it now looks exactly like the godless society it should seek to transform with the gospel. Well, congratulations, ELCA, you have become the world. Brothers, we should pray for the 451 who stood strong for Christ when the vote was cast to place the stamp of approval on sin. We should pray for the Lord to stand by them, encourage them, and strengthen. They will need such strength in the days to come.

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